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Und dann gibt es keine schlechten Lernenden.
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ACTIV Project Management GmbH Austria
Paying Agency for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development
Alphacan d.o.o.
Alphera d.o.o.
Arnika veterina d.o.o.
AS Kongresni servis d.o.o.
ASC poslovna podrška d.o.o.
Assystem UK Ltd
Atlas plus d.o.o.
ATP Achammer – Tritthart & Partner Planungs GmbH
AVC d.o.o.
AZRA – Varaždin County Development Agency
Basler osiguranje Zagreb d.d
Bayer d.o.o.
Bayer AG Germany
Bayer Schering Pharma AG
Bejo Zaden d.o.o.
Bent Excellent d.o.o.
Betafence Hrvatska d.o.o.
BGI Consulting Lithuania
Biovega d.o.o.
buk Solutions Limited
CARE International
Center for the Development of Workers' Participation, Zagreb
Ciceron komunikacije d.o.o.
City of Vienna
ConTres projekti d.o.o.
Deutsche Stiftung für internationale rechtliche Zusammenarbeit - IRZ-Stiftung
DIV grupa d.o.o.
DM - drogerie markt d.o.o
DPD Croatia d.o.o.
State Geodetic Administration
dwif – Consulting GmbH
EADS Defence & Security Systems
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Ecorys Nederland BV
Faculty of Economics, Zagreb
Environment Agency Austria
Ernst & Young Global Limited
Erste & Steiermärkische Bank dd
Erste & Steiermärkische S-Leasing d.o.o.
Etna d.o.o.
Eures-Tim Events
EUROHERC osiguranje d.d.
European Accounting Association
European Centre for Judges and Lawyers
European Institute of Public Administration EIPA, Luxembourg
European Milk Bord
European Network for Education and Training e.V.
European Profiles S.A.
European Trade Union Institute, Bruxelles
European Comission
EESC European Economic and Social Committee
European Parliament
Expositum d.o.o.
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering
Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, Germany
Ferrero d.o.o.
Franz Bučar Zagreb d.o.o.
Freyssinet Belgium N.V.
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb
City of Varaždin
City of Virovitica
City Office of Agriculture and Forestry of the city of Zagreb
Grayling d.o.o. Zagreb
GTZ GmbH – Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit
Gulliver Travel d.o.o.
Heruc dd
Croatian Agency for Small Business, Innovation and Investment
Croatian Environment and Nature Agency
Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency HERA
Croatian Chamber of Commerce
Croatian Employers' Association HUP
Hrvatske šume d.o.o.
Croatian Auto Club HAK
Croatian Institute for Brain Research
Croatian Institute of History
Croatian Medical Association
Croatian Parliament
Croatian Forestry Institute
Croatian Employment Service
Croatian Neurological Society
Croatian Veterinary Society
Hulla & Co. Human Dynamics KG
Hyresgästföreningen-Aros Gavle Sweden
HŽ Cargo d.o.o.
HŽ Infrastruktura d.o.o.
IBF International Consulting
ICPE d.o.o.
ID Kongres d.o.o.
Idra d.o.o.
IGMA d.o.o.
Imer d.o.o.
INA dd
IN-AQUA d.o.o.
Institute for Development and International Relations
IRU - International Road Transport Union
IRU - International Road Transport Union
IRU Projects ASBL Belgium
IRZ German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation
Istrian County
IUCN Programme
Language Centre VOX MUNDI d.o.o. – Berlitz
Jockey klub Hrvatske
Kaiser+Kraft GmbH
Kaufland Hrvatska k.d.
King ICT d.o.o.
Knauf d.o.o.
Korsnäs AB
KPMG Croatia
Krapina-Zagorje County
La Roche International
Lokner d.o.o.
MACO okovi d.o.o.
Mazda Austria GmbH
Mazda Motor Croatia d.o.o.
MD Events Ltd
Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb
International Center for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment (SDEWES Center), Zagreb
International Center for Underwater Archeology
International Education Center
Menard France
Merck & Co., Inc.
Meritum komunikacije d.o.o.
Merkur osiguranje d.d.
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Croatia
Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of the Republic of Croatia
Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia
Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Croatia
Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Croatia
Ministry of Justice and Administration of the Republic of Croatia
Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Property of the Republic of Croatia
Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia
Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia
Ministry of Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy
Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia
MITEL d.o.o.
Model Pakiranja dd
Modepack d.o.o.
National Foundation for Civil Society Development
Kornati National Park
Naša djeca d.o.o.
Naturprodukt d.o.o.
Nestlé S.A.
NEXE grupa dd
Independent Croatian trade unions
Niking d.o.o.
Nordic Days
Njuškalo d.o.o.
CoR Committee of the Regions
Nogolica Law Office
Law firm Stefanović & Vrdelja
Municipal Civil Court in Zagreb
OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
PAH Netherlands T3 B.V.
Palace Hotel Zagreb
PAREXEL International GmbH
PBZ Card d.o.o.
Perpetuum Mobile d. o. o.
Pfizer Croatia d.o.o.
Pixel Media d.o.o.
Planet Consultants
PLIVA Hrvatska d.o.o.
Poslovni turizam PA d.o.o.
Praeter d.o.o.
Gender Equality Ombudsperson
Judicial Academy
PricewaterhouseCoopers d.o.o.
PrimeVigilance Zagreb d.o.o.
Print grupa - Zagreb
ProTrade d.o.o.
Provincia di Teramo
Prvo plinarsko društvo d.o.o.
Publicis d.o.o.
Radin d.o.o.
Railway and Infrastructure Companies AISBL Belgium
Rambøll Denmark
Development Agency North DAN d.o.o.
Development Agency Zagreb TPZ d.o.o.
React HQ Netherlands
REDEA Public Institution for Development of Međimurje County
Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe
Rockwool Adriatic d.o.o.
Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH AUSTRIA
Salvus d.o.o.
Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Croatia
Sberbank d.d.
Scania Hrvatska d.o.o.
Selectio d.o.o.
Siemens dd
SIG Combibloc Group Ltd
Slavonska banka d.d. Osijek
Smart Vision d.o.o.
Central State Office for Central Public Procurement
State Ministry of Rhineland-Palatinate for Economic Affairs
Status grupa d.o.o.
Styria Media International AG
University of Zagreb
Šafram d.o.o.
Tehnozavod Marušić d.o.o
Terme Jezerčica d.o.o.
TERRA MARASCAE d.o.o. Cestanovac-Katuni
TiKEM d.o.o.
Tiskara Zagreb d.o.o.
True Sky HandelsgmbH Austria
Varaždin Tourist Board
Love in Action Association
Association of Croatian Nurses and Neurology Technicians
Association PET PLUS
Association of Croatian Trade Unions
UK National Audit Office
UN Women
UNI Global Union
UniCredit Leasing Croatia d.o.o.
UNIQA osiguranje d.d.
Veterinary and Food Safety Directorate
URBACT Secretariat
Urban Institute
UNICEF Office for Croatia
Office for Human Rights and the Rights of National Minorities of the Republic of Croatia
Protocol Office of the Government of the Republic of Croatia
Office for Associations
Večernji list d.d.
Embassy of Finland
Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain
Embassy of the Republic of Austria
Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Sj. Ireland
Polytechnic of Velika Gorica
Verlag Dashöfer d.o.o.
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb
Vetropack Straža d.d.
Council of the EU
Vukovar-Srijem County
Wasi d.o.o.
WOLF THEISS Attorneys at Law Ltd
World Bank
World Bank Project Karst Ecosystems Conservation
World Learning Inc.
Würth Hrvatska d.o.o.
Zagorska razvojna agencija d.o.o.
Civil Society Development Foundation
Institute for Quality Testing d.o.o.
Zoetis B.V. Podružnica Zagreb
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